Palm Harbor Pet Emergencies Skip to Main Content Skip to Footer

Pet Emergencies

Find treatment fast.

At Animal and Bird Medical Center of Palm Harbor, we are equipped to see veterinary emergencies. During regular hours, please call us at (727) 784-0558 prior to your arrival so that we may prepare for you and your pet.

In an emergency, mere minutes can make a huge difference in your pet’s health and survival. It’s critical for the vet to make an accurate diagnosis of the problem the moment you bring your pet in. We have the ability to do immediate blood diagnostic tests with in-house equipment that will do all of the biochemical, electrolytic, and hematologic lab tests right here in the office and complete them in a matter of minutes!  At other vet hospitals that don’t have this technology, your pet would have to wait 12 to 24 hours for lab results from an outside lab, and that, quite frankly, could end in tragedy for you and your pet.

If your pet experiences an after-hours emergency, please call (727) 787-5402.

Visiting Hours

When pets are left for overnight observation in our animal hospital overnight, pet owners are welcome to visit between 7:00 am and 6:00 pm. 

Pet Owners may stay with their pets all day if they like.

If your pet requires a level of specialty care that can be better provided elsewhere, we’ll refer you to the closest specialty care or emergency animal hospital:

AA Animal ER Center
36401 US Hwy 19 N, Palm Harbor, FL 34684
P: (727) 787-5402

Emergency Veterinary Care

Animal and Bird Medical Center of Palm Harbor